Meet George, a name inspired by one of their favorite classic country singers (George Jones), and one they use while doing top secret shenanigans... like discovering salmon bones stashed away in a hole in a log or building and sleeping in a lean-to with their friends.

Clearly, George lives in the PNW. They're 34 years old, white, trans, and queer.

George works as a Spiritual Care Provider (aka chaplain) in hospitals and hospice, supporting folks through births, deaths, and other major life transitions.

Spirituality to me is all about how we make meaning in the world, and I love working with people to practice their own agency and dignity in what can often be realllllly dehumanizing contexts.

And George promises, they're also a big goofball.

picture of a slide at an actual town hall meeting (I love nude gay beaches)

George is a Leo sun, Cap rising, and Libra moon "… if you’re that kind of gay ;)" They sing karaoke and use lots of exclamation points.

how sexy life could be if we dismantled capitalism and had equitable wealth and resource (re)distribution!!!!!

And they found this feather in their favorite park.


They think it's a great blue heron feather... can you confirm or deny?

I love dating and having slutty silly fun, but what I’m really looking for is a life partner who is practiced and committed to non-monogamy and who wants to build home with me and adopt a dog or two :) I want someone as playful as they are passionate, as tender as they are spicy, as eager to offer care as they are open to receiving care, and someone who takes seriously self-growth and community building.

George doesn't have social media, so you gotta text 'em at 518-903-0222

[DISCLAIMER: Hang Up has not personally vetted the people we feature in our personal ads. Please use the same caution interacting with them as you would with any stranger you connect with online or on a dating app.]

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