My favorite part of plot is the falling action, which is often the shortest part of any story. Some stories are so focused on the rising action and climax that they even skip it entirely.
So I love that we get to dedicate an entire hour to falling action– the characters are established, we know what happened, and now we just get to exist in this world with them.
The Reunion is pure joy, with a couple moments of tension, and some surprises along the way (including a cameo from Salix's boyfriend!). We also learn about what's happened in Salix and Timo's relationship since the vacation.
Hey y’all! This is the last episode of season 2… so if you haven’t listened to the whole season yet, you’ll want to start at the first episode— it’s called Speed Dial.
Coming up, we’ve got audio from our LIVE reunion show in Albuquerque. Timo meets Muriah in person for the very first time— Salix asks another Caller out on a date— and Roxanne tells the story of when she met Cedar IRL. They also answer some listener questions that y’all sent in.
And we also have a video of the reunion…so you can see Timo and their Callers. Become a member at hang up show dot com, and you’ll get access to that and other exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Thanks for your support.
Caitlin: Oh my goodness, hello! And welcome to Hang Up a reality dating show with no rings attached. I'm Caitlin Pierce, Hang Up’s creator and producer, and your host for this evening. Unfortunately, our host and story editor, Zakiya Gibbons, couldn't be here tonight. So for this show, you're gonna have to just settle with lil ol me. Tonight, we are live in Albuquerque, New Mexico! We're gonna look back on this season of Hang Up, where we matched one person to date six callers exclusively over the phone. After each round of dates, the Star chose one caller to hang up on and eliminate from the show. And in the end, the tables were turned. The final caller got to choose their prize: an all expenses paid vacation with the star, sponsored by Both And Apparel, or hang up on the star and take a cash prize instead. And as we know, the winning Caller this season chose the vacation! Thanks Both And Apparel.
So let's start with a little behind the scenes. Right now we are at Albuquerque Social Club, an iconic gay bar, in the very room where I met our Season Two star Timo for the very first time. It was at a Drag Race finale watch party more than a year ago. So we are really coming full circle tonight and we have a lot to unpack because Albuquerque, y'all are messy as hell. You really threw us for a loop on this season. We thought we were doing it to you, but no. Do y'all all really know each other?
Crowd: Yes. Yeah.
Caitlin: Okay. Okay, great. Great. That would've been good to know. Um, can you raise your hand if you do not play roller derby?
Caitlin: Okay. That is too few people. That's like less than half of the crowd. Um, I do wanna say though, we did have a little bit of warning because on our team, um, we have Ben Montoya, our sound designer, mix engineer and story editor, who is from New Mexico and went to New…UNM. Ben, what do you think are the most New Mexican things that happened this season?
Ben: Well, I, uh, first of all, everyone's a Lobo woof woof woof. Um, second of all, I feel like the most New Mexican thing immediately right off the bat was having the first elimination be, uh, the, the person thinking that it was about their chili choices. Um, I was, the first time I listened to that, I was like, this is New Mexico as fuck. Um, I think also, you know, I, I knew there was gonna be some characters. We got a lot of great characters and I love each and every one of them. I love each and every one of you too. 'cause you are what makes the queer scene in New Mexico so amazing. So thank you for being here. And, um, I think the other thing is that everyone had such a sensual relationship to nature, and, and that is so New Mexican as well. So appreciate y'all for getting horny in the woods, um, because we love doing that. Um, and yeah, I feel like, uh, all of my New Mexico Hang Up dreams came true with y'all. So it really was like the pride of my, uh, producing career to be able to put this together. So I got to shout out, Caitlin and Zakiya as well for going along with us to this wild, uh, west place, um, and bringing Hang Up to here. So, yeah, I think that's all for me. I'll go back to my little booth back there.
Caitlin: Thanks, Ben. Yes. Y'all really brought it, it, you know, I'm not gonna say we had no production stress because of how messy this season was. Um, but before we dive in, I want to invite you to step on, step into Hang Up world with me. So, as you know, Timo is not our star's real name, and all of the Callers are using pseudonyms. So I want you right now to join them. So just to yourselves, I want you to choose your Hang Up name. If you were part of Hang Up, what would your Hang Up name be? Maybe you've already discussed this with your friends, which is great. The first thing that comes to mind is usually the right choice. So now that we're dialed in, let's meet our star Timo.
Timo: Hello. Uh, okay. Not sure where to sit. Hold on. Yeah,
Caitlin: That's great.
Timo: Hi, everybody. <laugh>. I was hoping that the lights would be a little bit more blinding so I wouldn't be able to see you so clearly. I'll just take my bifocals off and then I can't see. Um, hi. Oops. Hi. I'm nervous. Hi.
Caitlin: You can just look at me.
Timo: Hi Okay.
Caitlin: You look amazing.
Timo: Oh, thank you.
Caitlin: The curly mullet is even curlier and mulletier.
Timo: It gets bigger. Um, I'm growing it out. Used to be really shorter and everything, but it just continues to kind of, you know, populate. Um, I decided to wear this because I'm, I figured I was taking the principle of like the poison dart frog, you know what I mean?
Caitlin: Okay. And for our listeners at home, you are wearing all neon. Some is yellow, some orange neon shoes.
Timo: Caution tape, I would say. Right?
Caitlin: Yes.
Timo: Which is literal.
Caitlin: It’s giving some Beetlejuice.
Timo: A little Beetlejuice. I love Beetlejuice.
Caitlin: Okay. So, and now continue Poison dart Frog.
Timo: Poison Dart frog. Just a little caution tape, you know, uh, as, as you maybe have heard, and will hear more tonight. You know, maybe I'm not the most, uh, you know, edible, uh, <laugh> being in the forest. We'll see <laugh>. Um, anyway, yeah. So make a splash. <laugh>
Caitlin: All right. Well, you did.
Timo: Okay.
Caitlin: Um, so I know people are curious. Can you share your real name and socials where they can follow you?
Timo: Oh, sure. Hey everyone. Albuquerque, it's so nice to, um, be able to tell you my real name, I guess. <laugh>. Uh, my name is Tasneem, and you can find me on TikTok at Omek_Tannou. Um, so yeah, if you wanna follow me there, um, you can find me there.
Caitlin: Awesome. And so you were in a difficult place last time we checked in.
Timo: Yeah.
Caitlin: How are things going now?
Timo: Things are, um, as things are starting to even out, um, last time we talked, you know, I, uh, I started my new job. I am making paper now, which I'm really enjoying. Um, back to being in the trades and craft is really, um, really great for me, for my mental health. For my mental health. Um, my 10-year-old dog developed, um, hemangio carcinoma and died very suddenly, um, the day I was supposed to start the new job. And so it's been a lot of things going on. Um, I miss him very much. And, um, yeah, so there's just, yeah, it's been a lot of transition, but right now things are starting to get a little bit more settled down. Um, so yeah, I'm happy.
Caitlin: Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that.
Timo: Happy to be, you know, just kind of like rediscovering my routine. And, um, we did adopt another kitten, so, um, <laugh>,
Caitlin: You're known for collecting animals.
Timo: I do love animals.
Caitlin: Well, how are you feeling tonight about being here?
Timo: Flushed. Feeling hot.
Caitlin: What are you most excited about?
Timo: I'm just really excited to, um, find out about, like, the audience questions. Just like, see everybody in the community, like, you know, just, um, yeah, it's, we talk about Smallburquerque all the time, <laugh> and, um, yeah, I'm just like really genuinely interested to hear what everybody thought and, and, um, really excited to meet some, there's only one person I haven't met yet. I'm really excited to meet this person I haven't met yet. And just reconnect with everybody from the show. It’s been really cool.
Caitlin: And, um, we have now documented how small it is here.
Timo: Indeed. Yes. <laugh>.
Caitlin: Um, well, one thing I am really excited about tonight is we have your daughter here.
Timo: We do. Oh my God.
Caitlin: And we're gonna bring her up on stage now. Come on up. Lillabeya.
Timo: Hello <laugh>. This is my angel <laugh>.
Lillabeya: Hi.
Caitlin: I really see, I love how there's three mullets on stage right now.
Timo: Yes, yes, yes. Very Albuquerque <laugh>.
Caitlin: I actually, I actually got this haircut last week in preparation, so…
Timo: Yeah. Mullet solidarity. I respect. Thank you comrade. <laugh>
Caitlin: Lillabeya. Thank you for being here.
Lillabeya: Thank you for inviting me.
Caitlin: Yeah. We heard from you a little bit at the end of the last episode, but we didn't hear much about your thoughts on listening to your mom date on a reality dating show.
Timo: Not Star 69 episode. Just to be clear, there was a hard line on that one, <laugh>.
Lillabeya: Uh, yeah, actually that was the episode that I stopped watching at because yeah, life got complicated. But, um, <laugh>, uh, definitely, definitely got a very strong, do not watch that, uh, from them.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Lillabeya: Um, but yeah, as far, as far as behind the scenes, it was, it was really weird because, so the thing is, is, uh, I'm, I'm really into reality shows and they're not, or they weren't. Um, I started watching them sort of at the end of like 2022. And, you know, the house is pretty small, so they would hear the TV shows and I'd be like, Hey, like, come watch it with me, you know? And at first they'd be like, no, no,
Timo: No, no. You'd be like, you have to watch this with me. I was a hostage.
Lillabeya: What? No, no. I was just like, you would come over here and watch it with me, and then you'd get invested.
Timo: I would get upset.
Lillabeya: You would get invested and then you wouldn't leave even though you were upset. Okay. Like, there's no hostage situation here. I promise.
Caitlin: That's what hostage situations always say.
Lillabeya: Um, no comment.
Caitlin: What, do you remember the moment when you found out that they were gonna be on the show?
Lillabeya: I was so mad. I was, oh, I sound so bad to say this, but I was so mad because they were always like, like, you keep dragging me into watching these reality shows. Like, I don't even like them. Why do you keep bringing me over to the couch for these? And, you know, and then they were like, Hey, like, I actually, I signed up for a dating show, and I was like, you gotta be kidding me. What? Right? Um, so I was just like, yeah, it's like I was mad, but then afterwards I was kind of…
Timo: It was betrayal.
Lillabeya: It was a betrayal. I'm still a little, I'm still a little, how would you do this to me? No. Um, it's not all about me, it's about them. <laugh>, this is the show about them. And I was so surprised when I heard that, you know, I was like, like you're having your, your main character moment.
Timo: Oh my God. <laugh>.
Caitlin: What was, uh, like at your house during production?
Lillabeya: Oh, okay. Um, well, I mean, they were trying not to violate their NDA, but I heard, I heard a little bit. I heard a little bit, you know, they were very like, oh, like, you know, I'm so surprised that this came through, like very, like, excited. Um, there was a lot of phone calls…
Timo: Like, tell everybody to be quiet so we could record.
Lillabeya: Yes. Oh my God. There was a lot of like, Hey, mom knocking on the door. And you're like, I'm recording right now.
Timo: Quiet children. I'm dating <laugh>.
Lillabeya: Oh yeah.
Timo: Go to your rooms.
Caitlin: What was it like hearing your mom date? Was it what you expected they would be like, dating <laugh>? Did you have expectations?
Lillabeya: Well, I mean, no, 'cause it's mom's thing, right? But it was definitely like, oh, like, you know, the call. I wasn't expecting the calls to go on for as long as they did, you know, because again, there was the be quiet while we're recording rule in the house. So I was definitely like, oh, like, wow, these are going on for a long time. But, you know, uh, it was pretty funny. I did sometimes hear mom like, laugh through the door when I would be passing by, like, like, shh. Like, you just gotta be quiet. Gotta be quiet. And then it's like, ha ha. Like, you know, like, you're doing right now, you're laughing. I would hear it from behind the door and I'd be like, ooh, I wonder who made them laugh, you know? It was pretty cool.
Caitlin: Yeah. Is, um, is what you heard anything like your own dating life?
Timo: Ooh what?
Lillabeya:<laugh>? Uh, definitely not <laugh>. Uh, I don't laugh at, uh, with the people that I date. I usually laugh at them. I, I kind of date losers <laugh>.
Caitlin: Wow. Well then I'm glad that was different from what you heard, <laugh>. That's good news. Um, Lillabeya. This was amazing tea. Thank you so much for coming up. Thank you for joining us. Uh, so Timo, what was it like for you listening to the show once it came out? Was it different from doing the show?
Timo: Uh, you know, not, I mean, yes and no. I feel like the, the way that it, you know, that things were recorded, like I had a lot of, you know, I had a lot of recollection about how those things went, but how it actually, you know, we couldn't put every everything into there, but I still felt like the spirit of our conversations really came through. Um, but, you know, also, it's been a long time. We've been doing this for what, how long now? Almost a year, <laugh>? Yes.
Caitlin: Yes. I think we started in August last year.
Timo: Yeah. So, you know, like some things I was like, oh, you know, it would refresh my memory about something. And, you know, there was like some surprises and some points that, like, I'll talk more about I'm sure as we go through, but, you know, some really serious points of reflection from being on myself, you know, primarily. Um, and yeah, I think it's been, um, really revealing and I don't know, just like genuine, you know, I felt like the whole show, you know, I was really able to show up as myself, both good and bad. And, um, and that like, there was just really great sort of the, the premise, like the care and our and your work around it has just been really wonderful to, to feel like, yeah, I was able to be myself and be represented in a way felt, I felt honest, you know? Really good. Yeah.
Caitlin: Well, showing up as yourself in this context is really difficult too, so thank you <laugh>.
Timo: Yeah. I was like, “I'm not gonna date” and then “I'm gonna go on a dating show.”
Caitlin: <laugh>. Yeah.
Timo: So, uh, talk about healing out loud,
Caitlin: Yeah.
Timo: Here we are.
Caitlin: Do you have any lingering questions from the season?
Timo: I do. You know, I think like maybe the first thing that pops to mind is about Ness. Like, I still worry, wonder, you know, like what happened.
Caitlin: Yeah. We haven't heard anything from Ness still. Yes, I do still text her occasionally. It's getting weird. Um, but, uh, yeah. Ness, if you're listening, we hope you're well <laugh>. Feel free to text me back. You know, it's fine. <laugh> Ness was the Caller, and of course, to give some context, who ghosted or, or who never responded after the first episode. Yeah.
Timo: Right.
Caitlin: Yeah. Um, um, so obviously you haven't heard from Ness and you, on the flip side, you have met two of the callers in person already. Billy and Salix.
Timo: I have, I have. In the final show.
Caitlin: Yeah. And then there leaves three more callers. Have you run into them at all?
Timo: Oh, yes. In fact, I, um, I did meet up with Ryan, um, oh my God. So Ryan and I got together. I, uh, you know, I was listening through some, some weeks. I was really good about like listening to it on a Tuesday, sometimes a week or two it passed. But, um, the one where they did their exit interview, excuse me, um, that they put out their socials and everything and I was like, you know, like, I'm gonna go over and say hi. So I messaged them on Instagram and they invited me to the pool and we like hung out and it was cool. Yeah. So like, I got to meet, I got to meet Ryan, which is cool.
Caitlin: Any sparks?
Timo: Not really, but like, they seem cool. Yeah. Like they, they're um, I think they're not here tonight. There's like a roller derby bonanza happening in Vegas.
Caitlin: Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
Timo: Vegas baby. So, yeah. Um, but yeah, so I did get to meet them.
Caitlin: Yeah, for sure. Great. Um, yeah, so Ryan was the Caller who got the first hangup after the speed dial date. Yes, yes, indeed. Indeed.
Timo: The most arbitrary of <laugh>.
Caitlin: You got to spend more than seven minutes with them. Indeed. Yes.
Timo: Seven minutes in, in the heaven of a pool.
Caitlin: <laugh> in pool heaven.
Timo: Pool heaven.
Caitlin: Um, so yeah, as Timo said, Ryan couldn't be here, but they did send in a video.
Timo: Ooh.
Caitlin: Um, they listened to the whole season and have some takes and also some updates on their life. Yes. So, we'll, we'll have the video here on the projector.
Ryan: Y'all, it's Ryan. I'm so sad I couldn't be there tonight. I'm not like that. Sad though. 'cause I am at Roller Con, the International Roller Derby convention in Las Vegas. Um, I had so much fun on my short time on the podcast also. Hi, Billy. Of course. You made it that far. You are such an amazing person. Um, Billy and I play roller derby together. Um, let's see, dating updates. I'm not really, I I, I'm going on a few dates here and there, but mostly just I guess working on loving myself a little better. Can always use that. Um, so one piece of that is that, um, I've started voice training lessons, um, and I am having my first appointment for HRT on July 22nd. So excited. Um, anyway, have so much fun. Um, I can't wait to see the recording later. Um, and I'm super interested to find out who Muriah is. Who's this roller derby person I don't know? OK bye.
Caitlin: Well, tonight all your curiosities will be satisfied. Muriah, come on up.
Timo: Oh my God. Hello.
Muriah: Hi.
Timo: Hold on. I gotta put these girls away. <laugh> real quick, man. I taped him down, but still this little
Muriah: All right. Yeah, it happens. Apparently. <laugh>.
Caitlin: Muriah, how are you feeling tonight?
Muriah: I am ecstatic to be here and, and I'm so happy to meet you.
Timo: I'm so happy to meet you too.
Muriah: And you as well.
Caitlin: Can you put, keep the mic closer.
Muriah: Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah,
Caitlin: You're good. Yeah. Um, yes, I know this is, um, Mariah and I’s first time meeting IRL as well, so, yeah. Yeah. Um, have you been in any mosh pits lately?
Muriah: Oh goodness. Um, not lately. Um, the last one I got my ankle all smashed up.
Caitlin: Oh boy.
Muriah: And, uh, I couldn't walk for a little while. I was bruised up and stuff, but no, no mosh pits.
Caitlin: Okay. <laugh>. Well, we're gonna try not to have one here tonight.
Muriah: What? Why not? <laugh>? The crowd looks perfect. Let's do this.
Caitlin: I know you were excited to meet Timo. What do you think?
Muriah: Oh, you are sexy.
Timo: Oh thank you.
Caitlin: They match their voice.
Muriah: Yes. Really?
Timo: Okay.
Muriah: Especially with the purple and that whole curl thing. Like everything. Yeah. It's great. And this whole look, I love the neon.
Timo: Yeah.
Muriah: I went to N-K-O-T-B the other night.
Crowd: Me too.
Timo: Oh my God. That takes me back. Holy shit. I had like the acid wash jacket with the patch. I was really? Yep. I was so mad when, what's his name? Donnie or whatever, like, set fire to the parking garage. This is really old lore for you guys.
Caitlin: What are y'all talking about?
Timo: We're talking about new kids on the block.
Caitlin: Wow. <laugh>.
Caitlin: And, uh, Timo, what do you think is Muriah, who you imagined her to be?
Timo: You know, I'm so bad with imagining like that kind of thing, you know, like, if it's like more of like an misty evocation that I have in my mind than like Yeah. Like trying to picture somebody's particular features. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. But you're gorgeous and I'm really glad to meet you and I'm
Muriah: Oh, thank you.
Timo: So glad you can be down tonight. <laugh>. Speaking of hair, you have gorgeous hair. <laugh>. Thank you. I don't think I've ever been able to grow it out that long. That's really good.
Muriah: Yeah, it's really long. I need a haircut. <laugh>. Oh, I, uh, brought a gift for you tonight. What? Um, I hope it's okay.
Timo: Why would you bring me, you're so sweet. Why would you bring me a gift? I hung up on you. What are you talking about?
Muriah: It's okay.
Timo: Is it something you could throw at me?
Muriah: Um, maybe.
Timo: Oh my God. Okay, hold on. I'm gonna. It is something you can throw at me! <laugh>. It's a rock.
Muriah: I’m a rock hounder from New Mexico.
Timo: Oh my God. It's not just any, it's not just any rock.
Muriah: I rock hounded these rocks by myself. On my own.
Timo: This is gorgeous. This is gorgeous. This is a really beautiful mineral. Can you tell me what, what am I looking at?
Muriah: That’s lepidolite.
Timo: Oh my god.
Caitlin: Your favorite.
Muriah: Yeah. This was so gorgeous. I I counted that at, um, uh, Harding mind out by Taos.
Timo: I'm gonna have to go. I just one, I just went to Rock County State Park just recently for the first time. Did you? Did you? Yes.
Muriah: Without me. I took my,
Timo: I did. I'm so sorry. You know, they have so much Jasper up there and I used to collect rock. These are gorgeous.
<laugh>. Oh my God. Like my, my, uh, myself, like as a child, I still pick up rocks everywhere.
Muriah: Yeah, I remember you saying that. So I was like, I'm gonna take her a gift. Take them a gift, and, um, give them what really means. This is beautiful.
Timo: Something to me. These are going in my altar. I have so many… Istill have so many, so many rocks.
Caitlin: Timo loves a trinket.
Timo: I love a trinket. <laugh>. I'm like a crow, you know, just like, leave me a little gift and I'll, I'll come peck around once in a while. Seasonally. <laugh>.
Caitlin: Thank you Muriah. That's so sweet.
Timo: I real, yeah, but you still throw it at me if you ever feel like <laugh>,
Caitlin: But uh, yeah. And you might wanna do that because Muriah, you got the hang up after the phone. A friend dates.
Muriah: I did.
Caitlin: Which is when you talked with Tim's friend Roxanne.
Muriah: Roxanne Is Roxanne here? Where's Roxanne? Roxanne
Caitlin: I said, no, mosh pits. I said, no.
Muriah: Where's Roxanne?
Timo: I think everybody is like, where’s Roxanne? <laugh>
Caitlin: What did you think about Roxanne's questions?
Muriah: Which ones in particular? I mean, like the whole Christmas thing. Oh my gosh. She said, she said, I went on a tirade. I was like, I'm sorry. Like,
Caitlin: Um, I just want, I'm sorry. We are in New Mexico, so I just wanna be clear. We're not talking about chili right now. You guys
Timo: <laugh>.
Caitlin: This is in fact the holiday Christmas. It's in December. <laugh>. I think everyone's clear now. We can continue.
Muriah: Yeah. <laugh>. But yeah, Christmas is not my favorite holiday and I did not know. I was unaware. I was, it's unaware.
Timo: It's also not my favorite holiday. I don't know why she was like,
Caitlin: Timo, what did you think about the questions Roxanne asked?
Timo: Um, I love Roxanne <laugh> , but also, you know, uh, I feel like, yeah, so her vetting process I felt like was less about things that I'm actually concerned about in some ways <laugh>, I love her Christmas party. Thanks, babe. I want, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna show up with like a cute outfit. Like as directed, but like…
Muriah: As directed. <laugh>.
Timo: She's a triple Capricorn. Okay. I’m terrified.
Muriah: Oh, Okay.
Caitlin: Is this another hostage situation?
Timo: <laugh>? It might be <laugh>. I had to go to Christian.
Muriah: Manen by proxy syndrome going on over here. Maybe <laugh>.
Timo: Sorry. But yeah, those, those were like not, you know, the sort of like,
Muriah: Yeah. Yeah.
Timo: Christmas isn't really my thing. Super either.
Caitlin: So you were really surprised during production when you got the hang up. Listening back, was anything clarified for you once you could hear the conversation with Timo and Roxanne?
Muriah: Oh, goodness. Um, I don't know. That's, that's, that's like a tough one. Um, I just, I don't know right now, like the whole thing, like that I was standing on was the whole Christmas thing. And um, gosh, what, what was it that I told you?
Caitlin: Um, um, they were saying maybe you should date Shug.
Muriah: Yeah. That I should date. Shug or, um, Cedar, her name, their name, whatever. Cedar. Um, I was like, for real, for real. Like me dating Cedar, can you imagine <laugh>? Like, okay, Lady Shug is fucking amazing as a person. Like, they stand up for Native Rights and all the stuff that I'm like super into. But on the show, <laugh>, no, no, no, no, no. <laugh>. No. They were, thank you <laugh>. They were so fake to me because I knew they were inauthentic and I felt that I have, I'm an empath. Um, and I felt that. And I was like, no, something's not right here.
Caitlin: Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
Muriah: But as a person, Lady Shug is amazing.
Timo: She said she wanted the money. From the beginning,
Caitlin: So you were, you were saying you were, you felt like there was something going on and then you kind of had, or she kind of confirmed that in a way of like knowing that she's really recognizable. Like you say three things about her and everyone knows. Oh, that's Lady Shug.
Muriah: Yeah.
Caitlin: Yeah. So there was a way that she was kind of like hiding and trying to navigate being anonymous in this type of environment. Yes. That made her unable to show off all these amazing things about her. Yes. 'cause we would know who she was. Exactly.
Muriah: Exactly. And that's why I said she was fake. And like I said, fake was the wrong word. I should have said inauthentic because she didn't want her them to know, uh, who she really was.
Caitlin: Yeah. So it's more like Cedar, right, is the fake thing showing up as like someone else. And then Shug is a not a fake person.
Muriah: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Caitlin: She was trying to put layers over herself to disguise herself and cloak that. Yeah. And that you were understanding as fake.
Muriah: Yeah. Yeah.
Timo: But also you guys just had a little like competition.
Muriah: Oh, we clashed. We clashed. Oh my goodness. We clashed so hard.
Timo: But I felt like it was mostly, I feel, I mean, I don't know, just like, my perception was that it was mostly like, you know, kind of shit talking on the court kind of thing. You know what I mean?
It felt, it felt like, you know, more at the time. I guess I felt like it might be more playful, but I don’t know.
Muriah: Yes and no. I was trying to win you over.
Timo: I know, babe. I know.
Caitlin: Not too late. Not too late. Not too late. Polycule.
Muriah: <laugh>. Thank you Caitlin <laugh>.
Caitlin: Anytime. Um, so actually, Lady Shug, AKA Cedar is booked and busy as we know. And couldn't make it tonight because she's actually on her first international tour in Europe. So hard to compete with that. Um, we tried, but she was really sad not to be here and, uh, have the opportunity to flip some tables.
Muriah: <laugh>. She did probably would've <laugh>.
Caitlin: Yeah. And she did send a video, which we will play right after Roxanne's video because we messy.
Muriah: Roxanne's not here?
Caitlin: Roxanne's not here.
Muriah: Come on.
Roxanne: Uh, hey guys, this is Roxanne, uh, Erin as my actual name. Okay? So, gosh, you guys, what a fun time. This was really great. Um, I so wish I could be there with you because I just like wanna see who you all are. And I wanna be like, should we all hang out and go to a soiree? You know, have a big party? Uh, everyone was wonderful. And um, and that's great. What do I wanna say to everyone? Um, I do wanna address how fucking hilarious it was that that Cedar was Shug. Shug, what the fuck? My first question is why didn't we get along better on the phone? Um, that's interesting. Uh, but I also want to, to share a Shug story because this is why I am like, I cannot believe it was Lady Shug. So, um, I kind of credit Lady Shug with facilitating my current relationship that I am in. So I was going to have brunch with an ex and I was worried that, you know, I would like sleep with him. So I invited all my friends to come to brunch. So that like, there was no way. And Timo was there and our other mutual friend, and then Shug came and we never left brunch. We stayed all day, we partied all day. We ended the night at Knockouts, our local strip club and sticking dollar bills, you know, into wonderful places is when I fell in love with Adam. So fuck. I'm like, oh yeah, Shug was like there when me and Adam got together. And I don't know if you remember this Shug, but you used to call us the teachers. Uh, we are both professors. Um, but I do like that it's gonna be replaced with white privileged Christmas bitch. Um, super accurate. I can't even be mad. That's like what I am. Um, a Christmas cunt even. Uh, and I mean that with respect for myself, <laugh>. Uh, but anyways, that was a good diss. Good job. Um, I feel like I kind of miss you guys. You know, this was fun. I listened to all the episodes. They were very amazing. Whew. Um, Timo, I love you. And then what else do I wanna say? I do wanna know if you guys have gotten this polycule and running. Um, if so, I think you should have an Instagram page and I wanna know details. Um, definitely wanna hang out with Billy and Salix for sure. Muriah, what's up? Ryan? Never talked to them. Um, anyways, uh, I hope everybody's having fun and happy and healthy. Ugh. And not being eaten by mosquitoes and maybe multiple ticks. Uh, I love you guys.
Timo: <laugh>. Hey, do you see why I can't… I can't not love her. <laugh>. I will show up to her fucking Christmas soiree.<laugh>.
Muriah: She did say, what's up to me? So like, Hey girl, what's up <laugh>?
Timo: Hey, girl. Hey.
Caitlin: So we sent Cedar Roxanne's video and she sent a response.
Cedar: Hey, what's up my relatives? Hello. The Hang Up show. It is. Your girl. Lady Shug. And I just want to say I'm so sorry I'm not there in person, so, so sorry. Um, I'm off to bigger and better things. <laugh>. I'm here in Norway, Norway, Norway of all places. Um, I just want on here to say hello. Thank you to all my good friends that have been uplifting me and been proud of me on the show. <laugh>, I know I was called the Showboat whatever, X, Y and Z The Christmas bitch swears she would had something on me girl. Different story, girl. She's still privileged. Um, <laugh>, I don't know. So I'm so sorry that I was not there. Timo I’m disappointed in you. We did have moments that we did have in person and I don't know, I guess you thought most of our moments were having cocktails and going down, celebrating the night. But I thought we had a moment. But I guess all you think that we were just having cocktails. Um, but yeah. Um, I'm good. Honey, live your life. We did get a fan question. Somebody said that. Um, what is your relationship between me and Timo? We don't have one. But, yeah. Uh, to my fellow contestants, thank you for being so vulnerable. Thank you for being who you are. I wish I could be there to meet you. Um, but yeah, my DMs are well open. Come on, <laugh>. It was a pleasure. It was so much fun. See you on All Stars Five of the Hang Up Show, Lady Shug <laugh>. But thank you to to all everybody that loves me and to everybody that hates me <kiss>. Have a good night.
Caitlin: Cedar with the spice. Cedar with the spice. Um, yeah. So Timo, I know we heard a little bit about you and Shug’s IRL relationship on the show. I guess I'm wondering what is your ideal outcome after this season?
Timo: Number one, I never said it was just cocktails. Like, okay, look, we have hung, I was pretty clear about that. We got a little bit close, but I'm also not like overstating the level of our relationship. You know, Shug’s a busy person. Like they're, they're in demand. They're on many rosters, I'm sure. Um, but like, yeah, so like, I don't know. Like we, we definitely, yeah, we had some time together. We had a couple moments. A lot of times it wasn't more kind of like, oh, we're going out and stuff 'cause when she comes here, she's like performing, you know? And so it's like a night out, like all that stuff. But I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to minimize it to that for sure. Um, but yeah, I don't know.
Caitlin: Do you have any hopes for your next times together, relationship?
Timo: Together? I don't know. She left me on read. Okay. Because I texted, I was like, Hey, Shug <laugh>. Like, when things were like really coming out, I was like, uh, you know, but that's fine because like yeah. Whatever. Like, we'll, we'll probably run into each other again. We'll see. You know? Yeah. She can't miss me. I don't know. <laugh>, I'm always in Neon. No, I'm not always in neon.
Caitlin: <laugh>. Okay. Well here's good things for y'all's future relationship in whatever.
Timo: We don't have a relationship.
Caitlin: <laugh>. Hopefully, uh, it'll be whatever y'all want it to be.
Caitlin: Yeah. Um, so let's move on to our next caller. Billy, come on up. Woo. Um, I just wanna narrate, we had some ass shaking in the entrance here. <laugh>.
Timo: Unfortunately it was not turned my way, but we'll, we'll, we'll,
Billy: I'll fix it.
Timo: Ah, yes. Thank you <laugh>.
Caitlin: Billy, you look amazing.
Timo: Was in the audience.
Billy: Thank you. As does everybody. Hi.
Caitlin: Um, so the first time we met on Decision Day, it was like Halloween and you were coming from a Derby event and you were like really sweaty and had like a painted mustache on your face. So I just wanna say you've changed.
Billy: It's changed. Yeah. Things have changed. A bunch. Yeah. I don't smell quite as strong <laugh>.
Caitlin: Um, so I've heard you've been to Albuquerque Social Club before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you, you started an event here called QTs. Can you tell us about QTs?
Billy: Yeah. Um, and we have some of the historic organizers in the crowd also, which is great. So thanks to all of them. Yeah. So QTS was our first, um, queer and trans strip night. And we brought in QT community and focused on bodies that were not conforming and kind of challenging the attention economy and had a bunch of hot sex work taking place here on the floor on people's laps. Consensually
Caitlin: Of course <laugh> That is implied.
Billy: That was a big, well, sometimes it's not implied consent. We definitely didn't. We, we made it really explicit. Um, yeah, I feel really proud of that event and proud of the folks who have kept it going and performed. And there's some photos of that particular event in here.
Caitlin: Yeah. We love explicit. Um, so we know you wanna avoid sharing your real name, but are still open to people connecting with you about your sex work and your anti-oppression and violence prevention work. What is a good way for them to connect with you?
Billy: Yeah, so I have a email that folks can contact me. It's Billy B-I-L-L-Y, or proton dot something else.
Caitlin: All right. Slide to that Proton mail. Yeah.
Billy: Yeah. Get encrypted with me.
Timo: I have a Proton Mail as well. <laugh>. Yeah. Gotta keep that shit secure.
Caitlin: Sponsored by Proton Mail
Billy: Oh my gosh.
Caitlin: So have you and Timo seen each other since Decision Day?
Billy: No.
Caitlin: Why not?
Billy: I, I don't know.
Timo: I don't have a car because they
Billy: We were supposed to go on a date. We didn’t exchange a phone number. We talked about social media. Not my thing. Not me yet. Too much. Yeah. I
Timo: Mean, it's crazy that I say that 'cause I have a big TikTok account, but I don't really love it.
Billy: TikTok.. Not there yet. I hear magical things about it, but, um, I don't, I don't, yeah, I think, I think you just needed to blossom in the relationship you said yes.
Timo: Speaking of blossom this little blossom.
Billy: Little, I am gonna shamelessly plug.
Caitlin: Billy has a flower over their left ear.
Billy: Ear. Oh my gosh. Why? I just, all I'm saying is dirt song in my head. <laugh>, um, help me. Brain injury. Brain injury.
Crowd: Good dirt.
Billy: Good dirt, good dirt farm. Uh, I am plugging them in partnership with Farm of Song. This is grown there locally. Beautiful. It is.
Caitlin: Wow. We really checked the farmer and stripper boxes quickly. Yeah. Yeah.
Billy: <laugh>, they're available. <laugh>.
Timo: Those are some good boxes.
Billy: Totally.
Caitlin: So, um, what was your experience like being on the show?
Billy: It was awesome. Yeah. You want me to say it more?
Caitlin: I mean, we, we can just skip to the next question.
Billy: <laugh>. Yeah. That was, um, I think it was awesome 'cause it, it felt like, it, like showed up in a time where like dating remains trashy and dreadful. And at that time it was trash full and dreadful. Trash full and dready. It wasn't that. But anyways, um, it sucked. And I was saying yes to that. And so it felt cool to like be in a space where it was like, oh, I want to like, be really on purpose and like, in a moment. And also just to like hear the values of the, like we, we shared a bunch of conversations about the values and wanting that to match and to also like, that sounds fun. Like I'm a ham and, um, yeah.
Caitlin: Um, so you haven't listened though?
Billy: No.
Caitlin: Can you… why?
Billy: I'm terrified. No, I'm just kidding. I'm, I'm not terrified. I just think I am like that person who likes to like, do a good amount of processing. I think it's just generally I'm not ready to process.
Caitlin: Um, speaking of processing, I know leading up to your final decision, you were doing a lot of processing on what
Billy: Yeah, that's true.
Caitlin: Um, and you were the last person Timo hung up on and you decided to take the cash or you, you chose the cash prize, you would've chosen the cash prize. And you mentioned that part of that reason was because of labor. And we had some people asking to understand more about that. What do you mean by labor compensation?
Billy: Yeah. I think I, yeah, I think just it's taken, you know, it takes labor and time and resources to like show up and do anything. Um, and I think especially like considering, I don't know the history of all of these bodies, but like bodies that are taxed by like attention economy in various ways. And so like, I think that's mostly what I felt like I was referring to is just like, this has taken time and energy. I am poor. This would be a great way to offer something to that.
Caitlin: And you mean particularly in dating on the show?
Billy: Yeah, or just like the Yeah, the show itself. It's a lot of time away.
Caitlin: IIt's a lot of texting and being like, can you please do Tuesday? Totally. If there's any way you could do Tuesday instead of Thursday.
Billy: Yeah, totally. And and I'll credit like, Caitlin's an amazing texter. Like, if y'all ever wanna have a positive texting experience, <laugh> right here.
Caitlin: Thank you. Um, and even though you did get that last Hang Up, you had a really strong start to the show. I think literally every time we asked Timo to rank like actual numbers, you were the top of their list. Is that right Timo?
Billy: I was topping you, should I say it again?
Timo: Well, I turned around and you were like <laugh>. Yes. Yeah.
Billy: Knees and topping you go on
Caitlin: <laugh>. But then at the end, things seemed to start to shift really for both of you. What was happening there?
Billy: For me? I mean, hey, you are,
Caitlin: Considering you're topping. I think you need to go first.
Billy: Go first. Okay, cool. So, um, <laugh>,
Timo: I love it when they do that. <laugh>,
Billy: I just felt like we were, we were moving towards triad territory.
Timo: Right? Totally.
Billy: Yeah. Not triceratops, but like, like three of us.
Timo: Yeah. No, totally.
Billy: And like, maybe not a completed triangle, but maybe more of a V. Like that.
Timo: I know what a V looks like. Yeah. Uh, no, I feel you. I feel you. And I think toward the end it was like, in that call I was kind of getting the sense that yeah, almost like you were like, Hey, you two, you know what I mean?
Billy: I was excited. I'm excited. I remain excited.
Timo: You know, and then you did drop some kind of hint where you were, or not hint or something, but you, you were also honest about like, I don't know how I feel about vacations and like, doing that in a really early way. And I just felt like if, if I didn't listen carefully and take that and be like, you know what, maybe this isn't something that I should offer them, you know?
Billy: Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
Timo: Because if it's not something you wanna take, but then also like, for my own self, I'm like, well, I kind of want somebody who's gonna go on the vacation with me. So I just kind of read it that way that it was like, okay, you know,
Billy: Mutual consent.
Timo: You’re like bluetoothing more on that.
Billy: Good clicker.
Timo: I still like Billy.
Caitlin: We know <laugh>. Yeah. And, and speaking of that, you know, obviously we have these two choices that are at the end and each kind of symbolize something. The vacation symbolizes that you would wanna move forward with the Star, whereas the cash prize symbolizes that maybe you wanna go, um, a different path from them, but that seems to be like not what you were doing with the cash prize. Um, tell me what your desired outcome would've been if you hadn't got the hang up.
Billy: Yeah, I think like taking the cash, y'all going on vacation, us going on some fun dates that don't involve multiple days together. <laugh>, I just don't do that with anybody. <laugh> except for my dog.
Timo: It's really real. That's really real.
Billy: But that, that's where that was. It definitely, it for sure was like not a lack of desire or want to like share more space, but it was that piece of like, yeah. A little anarchy to the dating norms, I guess. Yeah.
Caitlin: Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean I wouldn't call these dating norms
Billy: <laugh>. No, totally. But you're like, you win a vacation, you win a jetboat. I live in New Mexico. Yeah. <laugh> like why would that, those things.
Caitlin: Yeah. I do think sometimes like how useful it would be after the fifth date with someone, for someone to like put you in different rooms and be like, so really do you wanna go on another date with them <laugh> and just like really have that neutral space to decide. Um, but it seems like everything kind of ended up how it should have been.
Billy: Agreed.
Caitlin: Yeah. And speaking of that, Salix, come on up.
Billy: Heyyyy.
Caitlin: Oh my God. Our slutty twink femmeboy, let's give it up. Cat Boy does not disappoint.
Timo: Catboy does not disappoint.
Caitlin: Meow. How do you feel? A little nervous?
Salix: A little nervous, but, but pretty good <laugh>. Yeah. I'm excited to be here.
Caitlin: I think we are all feel that way. <laugh>, um, listeners have been asking, can you share your name and socials so they can follow you?
Salix: Yeah. Um, my name is Xavi. Um, and my, my personal Instagram, you can, it's private but you can request to follow me. Um, it's Rocotitx, which is R-O-C-O-T-I-T-X. And then my art Instagram is the same R-O-C-O-T-I-T-X dot comix. But spelled with an X, COMIX.
Caitlin: Yes. And I have looked at all their web comics and y'all should too. They're fantastic.
Salix: Oh, that’s really nice of you.
Caitlin: Um, and speaking of your real name in real life, uh, how's it going with your boyfriend?
Salix: <laughs>
Caitlin: Seems good.
Salix: It’s going really well, yeah it's been going great. <laugh>.
Caitlin: And they're here tonight.
Salix: Yeah, they're here tonight. <laugh>.
Caitlin: Um, and I heard y'all listen to the show together?
Salix: We did. We listened <laugh>, we were like waiting 'cause I, I get off of work on, um, Tuesday mornings and so then I had to wait for them to like be finished with work and then we get together and listen to it before DND <laugh>.
Caitlin: Wow. That's the most Salix schedule I've ever heard. Um, you were the only person other than Timo who's in every episode. So what was it like listening back?
Salix: Um, it was really interesting. Honestly, I almost also didn't listen 'cause I was like, I feel like I'm just going to cringe to death listening to my voice. <laugh> <laugh>. But then I, but then I had like told my mom about this and I was like, oh God, I need to listen to this before my mom listens because what if there's something that she can't hear?
Timo: <laugh> So <laugh>.
Salix: That's kind of why I ended up listening. But then, but then it was really good and, um, I don't know. It was, it was definitely an interesting experience because I only have like my perspective with like our dates and I felt like they went really well. But then I was also like, it's like, am I like Team Billy <laugh>? 'cause I feel like they have really good chemistry together.
I was like, wow. It sounds like y'all had like a really great time and like, just like the connection. You could like really feel it through the podcast. And so, um, yeah, it was, it was a wild experience.
Caitlin: <laugh> That’s so sweet. Um, did anything surprise you?
Salix: Um, honestly, the thing that surprised me most was, uh, the Roxanne episode because I feel like I got a very different take on it on the date than what we were listening to. Like Roxane made it seem like it was your Christmas party that we were going to <laugh>
Timo: Oh no.
Salix: And that you are the one that was like super into Christmas and all this stuff.
Caitlin: That's what you thought?
Salix: That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Um, and I was like, okay. 'cause I was like, my favorite holiday’s Halloween. And she was like, well, you know, I guess the, you know, the, if you have one favorite holiday, then someone else gotta pick up the slack for the other favorite holidays. So I sas like, okay.
Timo: <laugh>, what does that even mean
Salix: Dunno. I was just like, like, you could have your favorite holiday and I have my favorite holiday. And then we like get, I don't know, we get together, do the holidays, but <laugh>
Caitlin: So Timo and Salix, you knew this question was coming. Um, how have things been since the vacay? So I know that we had kind of a rocky lead up and amazing vacation and now we're here.
Timo: I'd really like you to answer this. I feel like you have more to say.
Salix: You want me to?
Timo: Yeah, I mean, if you're comfortable with that, I feel like to go first I wanna answer it as well, but I feel like you, I want you to say if you want.
Salix: Okay. No, that's fine. Um, so we, this is the first, well, I guess the second time now, seeing each other since the vacation. Um, I had a really lovely time on the vacation. I, I, I super enjoyed it. I thought that we had like a really good connection together and, um, I had a lot of fun despite all the bumps <laugh>. Um, and we had like, kind of started like texting and stuff and, and uh, when the show was like first coming out, we were like, oh, we should like get together and like, talk about how things are going and like our thoughts on the show and everything. Um, and then I think it was just kind of like, uh, downward slide of like communication and um, like kind of got ghosted again. And so, uh, we, we did meet up yesterday. We actually had like a really good conversation together. And I super appreciate you taking the time to like, have that conversation with me. And I feel like we have like, I feel like good about where we're at. Um, and I like decided that I kind of needed for my own emotional health needed, like to put up some boundaries. Um, and so we're not going to be pursuing anything further together. Um, like if we are like hanging out in community or whatever together, like I'm super excited to see you and hanging out and catch up and stuff like that. Um, but that's kind of the conversation we had yesterday. So.
Timo: And I, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just felt like based on the conversation we had yesterday, I just really wanted to center your, um, perspective on it because I I did let you down a lot and I ghosted you twice and I've got a lot to reflect on and I've, um, I apologize again, you know, for not meeting you with the same energy and openness and, um, grace, frankly, that you came into this with and you deserved the attention and the communication that I did not provide. And I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry about it.
Billy: Accountability.
Timo: Yeah, I, I fucked up and, you know, that's my loss for sure. Um, and I think, you know, I was telling Caitlin, like, I'm just, and we, we talked about it too, you know, this was a really public way for me to find out that I'm maybe not in the right place to date <laugh>, but, um, but I think that's, that's honest. You know, like in terms of who I, uh, where I'm at right now and who I'm trying to become and like the work I need to do to be a better friend, even before I even try to even be romantic with somebody again, like, you know, um, I have a lot of like, still some healing to do, to, to be able to show up the way that, that you deserve, that, other people deserve, you know, to really be present in the moment.
Muriah: So mature. I love that.
Salix: <laugh>, I have faith that you'll be able to get there.
Timo: Literally bare minimum <laugh>.
Caitlin: Yeah. And I wanna point out too, like, I think we all know that the, um, I think it's easy to measure how good a relationship is is by duration, which we all know that is not a great way to measure a relationship. And I think you guys had, so you have communicated so well. You had so many beautiful moments and you are still like, in conversation with each other and in community together. And that is really important. And boundaries and communication, I wanna celebrate more than the duration of anything. So thank you guys for letting us come along on your journey. But before you're off the hook, that was too saccharine for ending the season. So we have some listener questions for you. Who has our question one, can you come up to the stage?
Billy: Yes.
Audience member: This will be fun. What is the status of your love life currently?
Timo: DOA
Caitlin: All right. And this is like a rapid fire round.
Timo: That was my answer. Go ahead. Okay.
Salix: Um, I have a boyfriend, <laugh>.
Billy: Yeah, you do. I'm humping regularly. <laugh>, Um, I have the best, uh, cuddler ever. His name is Kevin and he has long white fur and loves me forever. And then a really nice platonic romance. So yeah.
Muriah: I'm single ladies, <laugh>, hit me up after the show. <laugh>. I'm single. Let's go. <laugh>
Caitlin: All right, question number two,
Audience Member: Hi y'all.
Timo: I love your shirt. Hi Bobcat. We met.
Audience Member: Did. I love all of you. So excited to be here. Uh, first time caller, longtime listener, <laugh>, if you could take anyone from this season out on a date, who would it be and why?
Timo: Are you kidding me? I've dated all of you.
Caitlin: All right. We can skip you. <laugh>.
Salix: I would love to take that date sometime that you never asked me on <laugh>.
Billy: I consent. Okay, that'd be great. Um, yeah, I think, yeah, all of us preferably. Whenever.
Muriah: Of course. Timo and Caitlin. And, um, supposedly I am supposed to be dating, um, Cedar or should be dating Cedar, um, <laugh>. So maybe Cedar, Lady Shug. Let's go <laugh>.
Caitlin: Alright, question number three.
Kian: I got up and Billy immediately laughed at me.
Billy: Not at you.
Caitlin: Why would that be?
Kian: Um, hey, I'm, uh, Salix’s boyfriend and I'd like to be clear, I did not write this question. This was a comment on Instagram, <laugh>. Um, how did y'all get good at dealing with rejection?
Billy: Taking off my clothes for money.
Muriah: Um, I don't really have a problem with rejection. I'm just like, okay, cool. You know, like as long as they do it well, like Timo did with me, um, very maturely. Um, I don't like being ghosted because that to me is so immature, but, um,
Timo: You dodged a bullet, babe.
Muriah: What's that?
Timo: You dodged a bullet. <laugh>. <laugh>,
Muriah: Right. So yeah, like, I'm, I'm fine. Like I'm not everybody's cup of tea, but I'm single.
Salix: Um, I dunno.
Caitlin: You, you didn't even get rejected. <laugh> We're skipping you.
Billy: We're not talking to you
Caitlin:And you didn't either.
Timo: No, I did not. Not to say that, you know, never have, never have been or anything
Caitlin: Like that. Okay. Okay. Not relevant. Yeah, <laugh>. All right, Last one.
Audience Member: All right. What would you say to someone who is thinking about applying to be on Hang Up?
Timo: You know what, um, I would say that you are in good hands. Um, it really, no, honestly, I know you didn't wanna end on a saccharine note or whatever, but, like, bitch just sit down and take the compliment. She's been amazing. Caitlin has been incredible support. Please, please, please.
Billy: Ditto.
Timo: If you're not a supporter of the podcast, I know you didn't ask me to do this, unplugging it. If you're not a supporter of the podcast, please do it. It is incredible work of love and really transformative in terms of like how conversations happen, um, about love and community and how love can look. And I am so proud to be a part of it. And I, anyway, that's it.
Caitlin: Oh, thank you, <laugh>.
Timo: So do it. Is my answer.
Salix: I agree. My experience has been just like so incredible and, uh, I'm so glad that I was able to be part of this. Um, I felt supported by you, like every single step of the way. Um, Zakiya’s been amazing to chat with. I just met Ben, but like, you're fantastic too. I love you. Thank you.
Um, it's been, I don't know, I just, it just feels like it, this whole thing has come from a very genuine place and I think that it's just, it's been such a lovely experience and I think that anybody who is interested in applying should definitely just go for it, because it's been, it's been great.
Billy: Be ready to like, fuck gender norms, relationship norms, grow, connect, have more community. I hope for more sex. Maybe that could be in in worked in the future, <laugh>, but otherwise, yeah, I'd say yes.
Muriah: Yes, definitely more sex. Um, <laugh>, that would be awesome.
Caitlin: Noted. Ben, did you write that down? <laugh>
Muriah: More sex, like exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point, et cetera.
Caitlin: Okay. Well, uh, all of this is, uh, more relevant than you might think because we actually don't have our Star and Callers for our next season yet. And our applications are open, so that means that person could be you. Um, you go to to apply or hangup And if the show's not for you, but maybe you wanna hear your mom date or your grandparent or your friend, we actually have nomination forms as well. So that's also up at And the link is in our show notes, so the future of Hang Up is in your hands. Please support us by coming a member We'll have this episode able to watch a video and also special members only bonus episodes coming out over the next few months, featuring Callers from Season One with their hot takes about this season and some life updates. So go to to join us. Thank you so much.
Let's give one last round of applause to Timo, Lillabeya, Ryan, Ness, Muriah, Cedar, Billy and Salix, thank you for being vulnerable and having fun along the way. You were a joy to work with. Thank you and everyone else. Remember that Hang Up name you chose at the beginning of the show. When we wrap up, you're gonna meet someone that you do not know, introduce yourself with that name. And we're gonna make it actually true that y’all really do know each other. Have fun with that persona for the rest of the night. So stick around, come say hi and help us start this dance party. We love you.
That’s a wrap for Season 2! If you can’t wait for more Hang Up, we need your support.
Become a member at— you can watch a video of this reunion episode, read about what goes on behind the scenes, listen to special bonus episodes, and even get Hang Up swag. Find out more on our website—
And follow us on Instagram @hangupshow. Now that the season is wrapped, we’ll have photos of Timo and their Callers rolling out there this week.
Hang Up is created and produced by me, Caitlin Pierce.
Our host and story editor is Zakiya Gibbons.
Our sound designer, mix engineer, and story editor is Ben Montoya.
Our sounding board is Allison Behringer, Karla Corrales, Chioke I’Anson, and Grayum Vickers.
Music by Jeff Carter and Stephen Pathe of Sandy - hear more at
Show Art by Alex Teschel
Season Two Art by Marquez Torres.
Live recording by Roman Garcia of KUNM. Video by Matt Livingston.
Special thanks to Bess Friedman, Trevor Birt, Toni of Albuquerque Social Club, Quinn Heraty, Nellie Giles, and the Radio Diaries team.
Thanks also to the people supporting us at Radiotopia and PRX.
Hang Up is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent, creator-owned, listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at
Remember, paid members can watch the reunion video here. Thank you for your support!

What's next for Hang Up?
That's a question we've been asking ourselves, too. And the answer seems clear: we need to take a break, at least for a few months. I've been working on this show nonstop now for more than three years.
In the meantime, we'd love for you to apply or nominate someone else to be part of our next season! Right now, we're open to all locations, ages, genders, sexualities, abilities, etc. etc. We're looking for people who just want to have a good time and wouldn't be crushed by a hang up.
Watch this space– because we'll have bonus episodes featuring our Season 1 Callers sharing thoughts about Season 2 (rumor has it that Sasha is on deck for that!) and updates on their lives.
And I have more ideas like personal ads... a matchmaking game... I want to keep connecting people, including you to each other. If you have any ideas or requests, let me know at
Stay on the line! ☎️💕